Homestay Canada

The school fees in Canadian schools vary from 19 300 CAD to 29 000 CAD. The school fees include enrollment at a school, living with a host family, the admission and travel orientations, varsity sports, school books, and health and accident insurance. Extra costs may occur from special courses or academies. UP Global program fee is 3 950 €.

To all schools, it is possible to go for 5 months instead of 10. In that case, the tuition is 10 900 CAD. To some schools, it is also possible to go for only 3 months, ask more from our office!

Homestay USA

In the North American private schools, the homestay program and the quality of the academics are made possible by tuitions. In Homestay USA Program, the tuition varies from 25 000 to 45 000 USD, depending on the schools. The tuition includes all school-related costs, varsity sports and activities, insurance, and the cost of living with the host family. All tuitions are paid straight to the schools. Extra costs may occur from lunches, school uniforms, and books at some schools.

For examples of possible homestay private schools in the USA and their costs, please contact us.


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